We think we have solved the mystery of Heatherette designer Richie Rich’s purported Celebutante line. Here’s the background: In August Richie told us himself that he would design a line for Hot Topic called Celebutante. A few weeks later Aubrey O’Day told us she would walk in the Celebutante show during Fashion Week and star in its raunchy circus–themed ad campaign. But then during Fashion Week we learned the show had been canceled and the line would not come out this year but sometime next year and would not be called Celebutante. The other day, we received the following letter:
Over the summer there was some reporting on Mr. Glitter himself (Richie Rich) and his venture with Hot Topic to create a line called ‘Celebutante’ GASP! We nearly dropped our mimosas as we poured over the clippings. Lydia… Aubrey… Campaigns… Gotham Hall on the 19th of September ?!?!?!
Well if you were wondering what every happened to the departure of that train or why the sudden lapse of memory on the part of Richie & his cast, we thought we’d inform you of who the REAL Celebutante is… Us… of course ;) We really didn’t mean to put the nail in Richie’s coffin, but we’ve been preparing for our Bday party for over a year now (wink).
Turns out there is a line called Celebutante, designed by Sean John alum Khary Setth. They’ve been working for a year on their first-ever collection for spring 2009, and their name is trademarked. So they took legal action against Richie’s Celebutante label and, Setth tells us, though legal proceedings are ongoing, it looks like his Celebutante line shall prevail and Richie will have to come up with another name. So perhaps a trademark case was the needle that popped Richie’s Celebutante balloon. And isn’t it funny how this line (pictured above) looks like something Richie could have created?
We feel better having solved the case. (We knew that fingerprinting powder would come in handy one of these days.) But we will not rest until we know this: Where the hell are the raunchy circus–images of Aubrey O’Day?
Related: Richie Rich Show Canceled
Aubrey O’Day to Star in Richie Rich’s New Campaign and Runway Show
Richie Rich: Heatherette Is Just Taking a Breather