• Giorgio Armani is donating $1 million to New York City public schools in honor of the opening of his new Fifth Avenue flagship. [WWD]
• By the by, Giorgio rode the subway up to the Bronx to visit with children at a school benefiting from his donation. How does he like our public transportation? “Molto!” [British Vogue]
• Economy be damned, London mayor Boris Johnson pledged to spend £40,000 to fund trips for buyers to London Fashion Week. Last season £13.4 million worth of orders were placed. [British Vogue]
• We don’t know what Salma Hayek wore to her wedding to PPR chief François-Henri Pinault on Saturday, but Parisian lingerie brand Vannina Vesperini send out a press release announcing she stopped by their boutique on Friday and bought a ruby-colored ensemble. Too much information? [WWD]
• Ubiquitous Fashion Week scenester Lindsay Lohan was seen partying with May Andersen when Samantha Ronson was out of town this week. They didn’t like the music and asked to plug their iPods in. Adorable. [NYP]
• Blind item: “Which kooky fashion figure asked for illegal substances on her contract rider? She said in order for her to appear at a fashion show, she needs two bottles of Cristal and “cocaine — a lot of it.” [NYP]