beauty marks

Pay to See Miss Virginia Shave Her Head; Queen Latifah Sued by Makeup Artist

• Miss Virginia beauty queen Tara Wheeler promises to shave her head if she raises the $500,000 she wants to donate to the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a nonprofit for children’s cancer research. With twelve days left, she’s only raised 3 percent. Something tells us she might not be trying that hard. [BellaSugar]

• Queen Latifah’s makeup artist is suing her. Roxanna Floyd alleges that she never got paid for the work she did on Latifah’s Cover Girl campaign or Curvations fashion line. [NYDN]

• Gap creative director Patrick Robinson is excited about his first fragrance, called Close. Of the fresh, salty citrus scent, he says “The salty part — that’s human nature, that’s how you get people close to you. The citrus part makes them stay.” We’re going to go spread salt and orange juice all over us now. [FWD]

• You know how Twilight has a fragrance? So does Star Trek. [Kiss and Makeup]

• If you’re laid off and can’t afford Botox on your forehead anymore, get bangs. And this marks the five hundred millionth blog post with that meme. [Beauty Counter/]

Pay to See Miss Virginia Shave Her Head; Queen Latifah Sued by Makeup Artist