Last night the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show taped in New York. This is how show stylist Charlotte Stockdale explains the spectacle:
“We came up with the idea of this girl who lands from outer space in Paris. She gets on a train that comes to a halt in Pinkland, where pink girls get on and off. Then they go into this fairy-tale forest and little lady bugs and butterflies land on them and vines grow up on their clothes. Then, there’s Tick-Tock Time; the wings in this section are based on clocks — there’s one modeled after a pocket watch with metallic feathers. And she ends up in this regal realm of princess-ness, where the wings have Swarovski jewels and peacock feathers.”
But everyone knows this event isn’t about the clothes. It’s about the half-naked models, who spent all day yesterday backstage getting ready. To be half-naked for a few minutes. During this time they chatted up many reporters. The favorite conversation topic? Food. See what Chanel Iman, Anja Rubik, Marisa Miller, and more said in the slideshow.