Look at Katy Perry’s clean, acne-free face. And Avril, with her smooth skin. Think that’s genetic? A result of perfect breeding and lots of hydration? Wrong! These ladies hate zits! And they are about to get a lot of money to tell you just how much they despise blackheads and blemishes very soon. Perry, Lavigne, as well as Office star Jenna Fischer just signed deals to be the new spokespeople for Proactiv, Guthy-Renker’s acne-prevention line. While the celebrity contracts are worth millions on their own, Proactiv is spending another $200 million on television advertising this year, just another facet of its quest to become the world’s top acne-fighting system. That means tons of commercials. Probably too many: We haven’t even had a chance to get Jessica Simpson’s pimply-chin Proactiv commercial out of our heads yet. That one never seems to be going away.