Kimora Lee Simmons is launching an exclusive line for Macy’s called Kouture. WWD visited her personally to report on this arguably cute fallacy of spelling:
Kimora Lee Simmons is adding Kouture to her design portfolio. It’s not the kind found on the Paris runways, or in the dictionary, for that matter. Not that grammar has ever applied in Kimora’s kingdom, high above Seventh Avenue on the 43rd floor, where the service stops just short of lifting her sedan chair-style when she wants to scoot closer to her interviewer. “No! You can’t lift me!” says Simmons, laughing like a teenager. “I told you about acting like that in front of people! They’re going to think I make you lift me!”
The implication from this paragraph is that she does make them lift her. At least they oughtn’t have to worry about, well, spelling.