• Evan Rachel Wood was chosen as the face of Gucci’s latest fragrance. [WWD]
• Some behind-the-scenes images of Alexa Chung’s photo shoot for her new Lacoste fragrance campaign have been released. [Grazia UK]
• Rihanna’s makeup artist Karin Darnell on the singer’s new hair: “She has been dying to go red for ages. It’s a fun change for the summer, she’s young so she likes to experiment with new looks.” [Elle UK]
• Manscaping has become a $10 million industry, thanks to the increasingly polished torsos of male celebrities. [NYT]
• Jessica Alba started wearing makeup at age 10, because her mom was going to cosmetology school and needed a model to practice on: “[It was] for the swim team picture — full on winged eyeliner, the works.” [StyleWatch/People]
• Christian Dior is making glittery, branded contact lenses. [Gloss]