• The campaign for Juicy Couture’s latest fragrance, Peace, Love & Juicy Couture, stars a fur-clad model covered in butterflies. [StyleWatch/People]
• Perfume critic Chandler Burr has rounded up his favorite “surprising” scents. [T Magazine/NYT]
• Blogger Bryanboy is judging a Fashion’s Night Out makeup-artist challenge at Bergdorf Goodman. Five contestants will make over a model, and the winner gets a mentoring session with Trish McEvoy and $1,000 to blow at Bergdorf. [Racked NY]
• Du Wop is launching a line of lipsticks containing annatto, hibiscus, and henna, which alter the pigment of the product depending on your skin tone. [Nylon]
• Julia Roberts rocked subtle, smoky, plum-colored eyeshadow at last night’s Eat Pray Love premiere. BellaSugar has a step-by-step guide on how to re-create the look. [BellaSugar]
• Julie Dickson, owner of New York’s Fox & Boy salon, has put together a video on how to do a salon-quality blowout at home. [Daily Candy]