just pants

Exclusive Video: Georgia May Jagger Goes Commando for Hudson Jeans

Georgia May Jagger, who’s been the face of Hudson Jeans for two seasons, appears in a very sexy, very underwear-less new video for the label, titled “Lips.” The ad spends the majority of its airtime zoomed in on Jagger’s electric-red mouth, which, to be fair, is pretty fascinating. First of all, there’s her lipstick — a glossy, orange-y scarlet hue that refuses to budge despite extensive pouting and cigarette-sucking. Then there’s the slight gap in her bright-white teeth: Braces may be optional, but tooth bleaching is not (nor, apparently, is mascara — clumps be damned). And finally, she mouths some words! Is it a secret? Not quite “I love you,” but it looks close … oh wait, she’s saying, “Hello Mario” to the video’s director, Mario Sorrenti. Well, if you were hoping for something more scandalous, you can satisfy yourself with the part where Jagger and shirtless male model Josh Beech breathe heavily all over each other, or when Jagger very slowly unzips her fly to reveal … nothing.

Exclusive Video: Georgia May Jagger Goes Commando for Hudson Jeans