Of the hundreds of oooh- and aah-worthy events taking place this Fashion’s Night Out (that’s Friday, September 10, in case it isn’t already seared onto your temporal lobe), there’s one that combines fashion, music, and art in such a remarkable way, it must be called to attention: The elusive Nicolas Ghesquière, creative director of Balenciaga, is making a rare Stateside appearance at the brand’s meatpacking-district flagship. But this isn’t any ordinary meet-and-greet; Ghesquière will be hosting the U.S. debut of Cindy Sherman: Untitled (Balenciaga), a stunning six-image series featuring the performance artist dressed as different characters (“the fashion victim,” “the aging doyenne,” etc.) in head-to-toe Balenciaga. That right there is enough to make some artsy types drop their stalking-Daphne-at-Barneys plans, but throw in a musical set by knockout model and neo-country chanteuse Karen Elson, and it’s practically a done deal. The festivities kick off at 8 p.m. sharp, but click ahead for an appetite-whetting teaser, including three images from the Sherman exhibit and shots from Elson’s fall/winter 2010 campaign for Balenciaga. (Fun fact: The runway collection included printed shirts and dresses featuring quotes appropriated from Sherman reviews and interviews published in art mags. So cheeky!)
See more from our Fashion’s Night Out preview:
• The Ultimate Guide to Fashion’s Night Out
• Fashion’s Night Out Ping-Pong Face-off
• Slideshow: 40 Things to Buy on Fashion’s Night Out