Maybe Steve Madden woke up one day and said, “You know what, self? My shoes don’t have enough fruit and cupcakes and other inanimate childish objects integrated into their design. Who oh WHO can help me incorporate this kind of thing while getting the kind of media buzz that will make Britney Spears’s Candies endorsement deal look like last season’s KMart Birkenstock knockoffs? I know — that girl who always wears the fruit and messed up Sesame Street with her boobs: Katy Perry! She can’t be fully satisfied with just shilling Acne cream for Proactiv. She needs to shill fashion. I’ll just give her a ‘design’ title so she feels like she’s being creative when actually I’m just paying her for her fame, time, and feet. Great brainstorm session, self. Let’s go hit the gym and get buff like we did in prison!!” Or at least, a rumor that something like this is going to happen is going around.