Kelly Cutrone recently told us that among her bevy of television projects in development was a “syndicated daytime regular big thing.” Sounds like that thing is not her own show (well, yet) but a gig as a “correspondent” on Dr. Phil, which she announced on Twitter last night. “CBS daytime is loving the black,” she enthused, presumably referring to her all-black wardrobe preference. Dr. Phil has Twitter-thanked Cutrone for coming on the show, but has likewise provided no details of her role on his feed, among blurbs about housewives, heroin, and spoiled children. So it’s unclear exactly what Cutrone will do as a correspondent aside from wear all black, but there are certainly lots of health and psychological topics to which she could bring a fashion-industry perspective. Like eating disorders, Botox, juice fasts, compulsive 6 a.m. exercise, the psychological effects of Spanx on women and men who wear them and men and women who discover them, etc.
Kelly Cutrone Has Signed On To Be a Dr. Phil Correspondent [Fashionista]