Model Allie Crandell, who is best known for fighting with her ex-boyfriend Adam Senn on The City, was recently suspended from a gig posing for Revolve Clothing’s e-commerce website. Customers were commenting more on Allie’s weight than the BCBG dresses she was modeling, causing Revolve to issue a message saying, “We are working closely with both the model and her agent to get her to a healthier size. She won’t be appearing in any of our new product batches or in any of our fashion editorial photos moving forward until the issue is adequately addressed.” Of course, Kelly Cutrone was way ahead of everyone making a big deal about this: Within a few minutes of meeting Allie in the first season of The City, she asked, “Are you okay? You just seem so skinny,” and later referred to her appearance as “alarming.” Meanwhile, Allie has admitted that she was “a bit underweight” during the show’s taping, which she attributes to her hectic schedule. [HuffPo]