New accusations against John Galliano were filed by an unnamed woman in Paris on Saturday morning. The woman alleged that she was the victim of racist remarks made by the designer in a Paris café called La Perle, where Galliano was arrested last Thursday for similar accusations of verbal assault toward a man and a woman, now identified as Philippe Virgiti and Géraldine Bloch. Galliano’s lawyer, Stéphane Zerbib, confirmed that the latest plaintiff’s reported altercation with the designer happened several weeks ago.
The news preceded the release of a video this morning by British tabloid The Sun, which was filmed with a handheld camera at La Perle and depicts a wine-swilling Galliano slurring, “I love Hitler … People like you would be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers, would all be fucking gassed.” When the woman recording him asks if he has a problem, he responds, “With you. You’re ugly.” She then asks where he’s from, and he says, “Your asshole.” It is unclear whether the video was filmed by the same unnamed woman who filed her complaint on Saturday.
Galliano Hit With Second Complaint Alleging Anti-Semitic Slurs [WWD]
Police Order John Galliano to Face His Accuser [WWD]
Film of John Galliano’s Racist Rant in Bar [Sun]
Earlier: What Really Happened With John Galliano Last Night?