black friday

Twitter Will Make You Feel Better About All the Money You’ve Blown in the Past Few Days

If you went shopping on Friday, you helped put $52.4 billion into the economy. Well done, you! But your bank account is probably hurting, especially since you and your shopping comrades are expected to drop another $1.2 billion today, according to the Post. And you still have about five weeks  until you resolve to spend less and save more come January 1. We don’t want you to feel bad about dropping cash on presents for others (’tis the season of giving!) or for yourself (’tis the season of booking massages and facials to help you recover from all that eggnog and stressful family time!). So, only because we care, we’ve rounded up some tweets from people who are spending more money than you. Suddenly all those flat-screen TVs don’t sound so bad.

Twitter Will Make You Feel Better About Shopping