Okay, okay, so they don’t share any scenes, but “Saint-Tropez,” by French D.J. Jean-Roch featuring Snoop Dogg and starring Karl Lagerfeld, does not disappoint. Much like in real life, Lagerfeld plays some sort of godlike figure, welcoming Jean-Roch to the French Riviera with a two-cheek kiss and asking him the rhetorical question, “You were never told that Saint-Tropez is paradise?” The rest of the clip comes across more as a tourism ad (Sample lyrics: “I know where I belong/ Even when I’m away/ I’m never gone too long/ Back to you Saint-Tropez. No matter where I go/ No matter where I stay/ My heart will always be/ Somewhere in Saint-Tropez”), and then Snoop does a short rap at the end. But Karl and Snoop! In the same music video! What?!