TIME.com profiled Casey Legler — an “art maker” in Manhattan and also a male model at Ford. “As far as I know, there are no other women exclusively modeling as male models,” Legler tells the camera. Her photographer friend Cass Bird asked her to pose as a guy for a Muse spread over the summer, “and I wasn’t doing anything on that particular Friday, and so I said yes,” which led to the Ford contract. But “is it a stretch for me to get styled wearing men’s clothes?” Legler wonders aloud.
“I mean, anyone can look at me for two seconds and see that that part is actually not so complicated. I think the part that can feel complicated sometimes is that I also look really fierce in a dress, you know. I’ve been taught by the best queens about how to rock some heels … and I think that’s where it gets exciting.” As Time’s text points out, “Androgyny has long been celebrated in the fashion world,” and, of course, the mag forces her to speak about the Patron Saint of Present Day Androgyny Andrej Pejic — she says, “Andrej is gorgeous … In many ways I come ushered in by that.” We like you for you, girl.