hurricane sandy

World’s Worst Walks of Shame Happening Right Now

Photo: Holger Winkler/Corbis

Witnessed the morning after Halloween, at the corner of Houston and Avenue A, in Manhattan’s powerless dead zone: a woman in a full-on Superwoman costume, hailing a cab that she will likely have to share with others, including people doing their morning commute, due to post-hurricane transit scarcity.

If you see such a sight in lower Manhattan involving the poor souls whose Halloween one-night stands are unlucky enough to live in the dead zone, kindly avert your eyes. For you will be witnessing the World’s Worst Walks of Shame, so harrowing as to be, in some ways, glorious. An act of defiance, even. Hung-over Hurricane Halloween defiance. We are all in day-old Superwoman costumes today.

Even without the added terror of Hurricane Sandy, Halloween walks of shame are easily the worst of the genre. To that end, we are now collecting Halloween walk-of-shame stories from all corners of the country/world. Send them to [email protected] (we’re having email server problems) and include the year, location, your age at the time, and— most critically— a description of your costume. Most slutty/glorious stories will be posted later today.

Also, if you know Avenue A’s Superwoman, tell her she is a beacon of hope in this time of darkness.

World’s Worst Walks of Shame Happening Right Now