things we saw with zoom

Zoom Shot: How to Tell If a Man Is Wearing Makeup

Photo: Theo Wargo/Getty Images

Last night, the actor showed up at the Gotham Awards in New York City looking rather thin, orange, and free of eyebrows. He’s currently playing the role of a transsexual woman dealing with AIDS in the upcoming film Dallas Buyers Club, but clearly he’s not Method acting here — that incorrect tint of foundation is an injustice to makeup-wearers everywhere.

Oh, Jordan Catellano, if you had done the research, you would’ve known to tell your makeup artist to choose a shade with pink undertones to better match your skin, instead of opting for a shade that makes you look pretty jaundiced. Perhaps a quick text to Claire Danes would’ve done the trick? She would’ve reminded you to blend, blend, blend. And don’t forget the neck.

Readers: Zoom in to see why caked-in stubble makeup is best left to the drag queens

Zoom Shot: How to Tell If a Man’s Wearing Makeup