former crooks

Steve Madden Cast in Movie About His Own Fraud Case

Steve Madden.
Steve Madden. Photo: Brian Killian/Getty Images

According to WWD, Steve Madden has gotten a small role in Martin Scorsese’s upcoming movie about Jordan Belfort, the former stockbroker who was convicted for fraud and money laundering in 1998 and subsequently spent 22 months in jail. What WWD does not mention is that Madden played a key role in that same scandal, which landed him a 41-month prison sentence in 2002. (Belfort’s crooked brokerage firm, Stratton Oakmont, helped finance Madden’s shoe business when it first started, and the two remained business associates afterward.)

Titled The Wolf of Wall Street, Scorsese’s movie is based on Belfort’s memoir of the same name; Madden is actually an important enough figure in the story that they’ve hired a real actor to play him (Jake Hoffman, son of Dustin!), and the real Madden will just get a small cameo. Anyway, isn’t it nice that Madden can be all Martha Stewart about this jail thing now? If you can’t fight ‘em, join ‘em, we say.

Steve Madden Cast in Movie About His Fraud Case