Ugh. Who told Fox News that 40% of primary breadwinners in families with children are now women? This kind of stuff terrifies Lou Dobbs and his male colleagues, leaving them panicked and histrionic, free-associating apocalyptic clichés.
Weighing in on the Pew Research Poll last night, Juan Williams said the rise of female breadwinners means there’s “something going terribly wrong in American society and it’s hurting our children.”
“The children who survive,” Dobbs replied. “54 million abortions since Roe v. Wade. What has been the impact? What does it say about our society? High school drop outs.”
Erik Erickson said that encouraging female breadwinners is like denying climate change:
“I am so used to liberals telling conservatives that they are anti-science. But I mean this is — liberals who defend this and say it’s not a bad thing are very anti-science. When you look at biology, look at the natural world, the roles of a male and female in society; in other animals the male typically is the dominant role, the female is not antithesis or is not competing; it’s a complementary role. We as people in a smart society have lost the ability to have complementary relationships.”
Doug Schoen concluded: “We’re losing a generation. Bottom line, it could undermine our social order.”
Fox did not include any of its many, popular female anchors and correspondents in the debate.