
Chloë Sevigny Wants You to Know She’s Still Cool

Photo: David Dunan/Town & Country

Frequent trips to Darien, Connecticut, and a preoccupation with landing a “classic six” overlooking Prospect Park are normally harbingers of the death of an “It” girl.* For Chloë Sevingy, who is on the cover of this month’s Town & Country, there is literally nothing, nothing, that can make her uncool.

Once upon a time Sevigny was “the coolest girl in the world.” Now that girl — the It Girl — has grown up. But she will never be boring or what someone else wants her to be. “To be honest,” she says, with a conspiratorial honk, “I’m still cooler than a lot of actresses.”

In an attempt to make the East Village–born actress more palatable to the Waspy T&C set (or perhaps to cravenly attract “younger,” “cooler” readers?), we’re treated to descriptions of Sevigny visiting her mom in Connecticut and attending high-school reunions. She even declares her of love for New England — specifically, Wasp wonderland Cape Cod — but just when you think the 38-year-old is going to sign up to bring the Gatorade and cupcakes to your lacrosse tailgate, she throws a cool Prada curveball your way.

She will gamely fly down to Charleston for a huge preppy wedding with her old hometown pals, as she did recently, showing up in Prada while all the guys in their khakis and blue blazers who never left Fairfield County swarmed around her, a personal army of admirers who have probably stuck by her since Hollow Tree Elementary.

An exotic Prada-clad peacock amid all the khaki. Cool as a cucumber sandwich on white bread.

*This article has been updated.

Chloë Sevigny Wants You to Know She’s Still Cool