
Galliano’s Tell-All Interview Adapted for Stage

John Galliano.
John Galliano. Photo: Victor Boyko/Getty Images

Last summer, John Galliano’s epic apology tour reached its zenith with a painfully uncomfortable hour-long TV interview with Charlie Rose, which aired on June 12, 2012. Between panicked sips of water, the former designer did his best to convey his remorse and explain the actions that led to his drunken fall from grace in February 2011. Now, almost five months later, that awkward televised exchange has been adapted for the stage. With puppets.

Women’s Wear Daily reports that the six-act play stars “Little John,” a marionette of Galliano. Vestoj editor Anja Aronowsky Cronberg adds: “Both Galliano and Rose appeared to be acting out some very clearly defined roles, with very little scope for improvisation … [the play explores] the power of the media and the fact that the story we are being told is seldom the actual story of importance.” (Cue the hilarious “strings attached” puns.) Speaking of priorities, at least Galliano’s puppet got a smashing costume, based on the Napoleon-themed ensemble the designer wore to take a bow at his 2007 couture show. Performances are scheduled for December 10, 2013 at the Silencio nightclub in Paris and February 4, 2014 at the London College of Fashion. 

Apparently by coincidence, Vogue U.K. announced yesterday that Galliano is guest-editing their December issue with Kate Moss (perhaps this was one of Moss’s stipulations for joining their masthead?). So, two steps forward, one step back.

Galliano’s Tell-All Interview Adapted for Stage