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Here Are All the Schools Currently Under Investigation for Mishandling Rape

Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images

Today the U.S. Department of Education released a list of 55 colleges and universities under investigation for mishandling sexual assault and harassment complaints. The list runs the gamut: Ivies like Harvard and Princeton, small liberal arts colleges like Sarah Lawrence and Amherst, big state schools like the Universities of Michigan and Connecticut. (Full list below or here.)

Rape on campus is a federal concern because, in addition to requiring women’s athletics programs, the 1972 Education Amendments’ Title IX ensures that schools that receive federal funding not be hostile environments for women. (Here is a good explanation of how Brown University became a hostile place for one sexual assault survivor.) Even without any further details, the list is at least a tip-off to applicants as to which schools might not know what to do in the not-nearly-rare-enough event their students are raped. Some congressmen hope such information will affect the schools’ carefully guarded U.S. News and World Report rankings.

This, to me, is a much more satisfying response than the White House’s celeb-studded “1 is 2 Many” campaign — if less fun to look at.

That PSA featured actors like Benicio del Toro, Steve Carell, and Daniel Craig urging men not to rape people and to stop other men from raping people. A nice message — especially coming from a bunch of guy’s guys — but not one that addresses the institutional failures that keep rapists on college campuses. Most campus rapes are committed by repeat offenders, after all, many of whom don’t think they’re rapists.

Meanwhile, presenting this week’s White House report of recommendations for colleges, Vice President Joe Biden suggested vigilante justice:

“In the neighborhood [Senator Bob Casey] and I were raised in–I want you all to listen to this–if a man raised his hand to a woman, you had the job to kick the living crap out of him if he did it. Excuse my language. […] Now I realize that’s not very presidential or vice presidential. But it’s something every man should begin to understand.”

Having the vice-president beat up campus rapists is one solution. After perusing the White House report, Slate’s Emily Bazelon arrived at another: Actually enforcing the law and sanctioning schools that drop the ball. “In the history of Title IX,” she writes,
“the Department of Education has ‘never once sanctioned a school for sexual violence-related violations of Title IX.’”

Arizona State University

Butte-Glen Community College District

Occidental College

University of California-Berkeley

University of Southern California

Regis University

University of Colorado at Boulder

University of Colorado at Denver

University of Denver

University of Connecticut
Catholic University of America

Florida State University

Emory University

University of Hawaii at Manoa

University of Idaho

Knox College

University of Chicago

Indiana University-Bloomington

Vincennes University

Amherst College

Boston University

Emerson College

Harvard College

Harvard University—Law School

University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Frostburg State University

Michigan State University

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Guilford College

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Minot State University

Dartmouth College

Princeton University

Cuny Hunter College

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Sarah Lawrence College

Suny at Binghamton

Denison University

Ohio State University

Wittenberg University

Oklahoma State University

Carnegie Mellon University

Franklin and Marshall College

Pennsylvania State University

Swarthmore College

Temple University

Vanderbilt University

Southern Methodist University

The University of Texas-Pan American

College of William and Mary

University of Virginia

Washington State University

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Bethany College

West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine

Schools Under Investigation for Mishandling Rape