
Cara Delevingne Wordlessly Expressed Her Boredom at Taylor Swift’s 25th Birthday Party

Photo: Marc Piasecki/Getty Images

Taylor Swift had a small birthday gathering with her close friends at a cozy West Village restaurant. It sounded nice — not exciting, but the kind of warm and fuzzy girl pile we’ve come to expect from a lady who stocks her house with nightgowns for her friends.

Swift Sister-in-Training Cara Delevingne was in attendance but maybe wasn’t feeling the vibe. “Page Six” reports that she swooped in after her previous engagement, dinner at hip Indochine, showing her face only during the dessert course — the bare minimum of friend attendance.  Instead of offering to let Taylor braid her hair, she took photos of the waitresses’ tattoos and was spotted “playing with her chopsticks,” even though you don’t need chopsticks for dessert.   

Idly playing with nonessential utensils is a passive-aggressive way of saying one thing: “Wish I was at Miley’s birthday party.”

Cara Delevingne Wordlessly Expressed Her Boredom