
Kristen Stewart’s Mom Is Bad at Keeping Secrets [Updated]

Photo: JB Lacroix/WireImage

Kristen Stewart is very good at being private. She has covered herself in a nearly impenetrable shroud of mystery. The world is left to speculate: What is she thinking? Whom is she dating? What is she thinking about the person she is dating? Does she still watch Twilight ever? But there is a structural flaw in every celebrity’s secret-protecting dam that threatens to allow all confidential information to gush forth: That flaw is Mom.

While sweetly supporting everything her daughter has ever said and done in an interview with the Sunday Mirror, Jules Stewart accidentally confirmed both Stewart’s bisexuality and the long-rumored relationship between Stewart and former assistant Alicia Cargile: “I’ve met Kristen’s new girlfriend, I like her. What’s not to accept? She’s a lovely girl,” she said.

And then:

“I feel like people need to be free to love whoever they want. I accept my daughter loves women and men. It’s OK to be who you are in my world. We all choose our friends so we should be free to choose our lovers.”

Thanks, Mom! Hopefully this means no one will ever refer to Cargile and Stewart as “gal pals” ever again. Now can we please focus on the other big reveal from this interview? Kristen Stewart had a pack of wolves as childhood pets. Discuss among yourselves.

Update: In an interview with Us Weekly, Jules Stewart denied discussing her daughter’s love life or confirming a relationship between Kristen Stewart and Alicia Cargile. “I spoke to Sharon Feinstein about my film K-11 that has been put on display in the Hollywood Museum,” she told Us Weekly. “It’s currently there under the LGBT banner on the third floor. She also asked me about my views on gay rights, which I was happy to express. Then we talked briefly about the fund-raiser I am hosting for Never ever did we discuss Kristen!” 

The wolf-pack fact, however, stands.

Kristen Stewart’s Mom Is Bad at Keeping Secrets