
Women Are Live-Tweeting Their Periods at Donald Trump

Donald Trump.
Donald Trump. Photo: BRIAN SNYDER/Corbis

Donald Trump is still waving his bloody flag and refusing to apologize in the aftermath of describing Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly as having “blood coming out of her wherever” when she challenged him about calling women dogs during Thursday’s GOP debate. A new hashtag on Twitter might cramp his style.

Trump’s position is that his remark had nothing to do with menstruation: “I was going to say nose and/or ears because that’s a very common statement,” he said on CNN’s State of the Union this past Sunday. Plenty of women aren’t buying that explanation, and are taking the opportunity to school Trump on the realities of the female reproductive system. Following the lead of Femsplain’s Amber Gordon, who started the hashtag #PeriodsAreNotAnInsult, women have been tweeting at Trump with real-time updates on their menstrual statuses. Read our favorites below.

Why Not Live-Tweet Your Period at Donald Trump?