Broad City creators Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer realize that we’re basically sitting catatonic on our couches, waiting for a new season to begin so that we may live again. Perhaps we are doing so with gloopy face masks on. Turns out they, too, are skipping expensive professional beauty treatments in favor of the DIY at-home spa experience.
During the broadcast hiatus, Jacobson and Glazer have created a series of “Hack Into Broad City” web videos. In the first short yet instructional installment, Abbi and Ilana show us how to elevate our at-home spa treatments — by FaceTiming your BFF. Discussing how sexy Jessica Lange is while engaging in body-hair removal trumps solo self-improvement any day. There’s a service element as well: Ilana demonstrates proper emergency protocol when depilatory cream goes where it shouldn’t and the experience takes a harrowing, burning turn. Just try finding this sort of information on Pinterest.