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January Jones Continues to Be a Hero for the Ages

Look at this b
Look at this b Photo:

It may surprise you to hear, but long ago, at the tribunal for deciding who the DGAF celeb of the century was, Cara Delevingne and Rihanna were subtly knocked down a few pegs by a woman of even icier composition. January Jones, who is so frosty that even her first name has a chill, loves posting ugly photos of herself as a child to her Instagram and enjoyed getting to play the villain, little ol’ Betty Draper. And not only does she not GAF what people think about that, she seems downright weird as hell. We love her.

On Instagram yesterday evening, Jones took a page out of Ricky Gervais’s book, posting a series of photos of herself from ugly angles in her bathtub. The series is called “A bathtub series not by Ricky Gervais but by me.” The second photo in the series asks how far she can get her head under the water without dropping her phone, which is a common bath-taker’s quandary. And the third and final photo is stamped with the hashtag #sorryifimgettingtooheavyforsomeofyounonartpeople.

January Jones: We don’t know what you’re doing but never change!

January Jones Continues to Be a Hero