It Took 20 Years for an Afro to Be Cool at Victoria’s Secret

Maria Borges.
Maria Borges. Photo: Michael Stewart/FilmMagic

In the 20 years that models have walked the Victoria’s Secret runway, there have been feathers, diamonds, and an unintelligible amount of glitter, but never any Afros. That changed Tuesday night when model Maria Borges hit the catwalk in a super-short cut. Encouraged by Givenchy’s Riccardo Tisci to make the chop last spring, Maria has worn the ‘fro from runway to runway and insisted that she continue her natural streak at Victoria’s Secret, telling Essence, “I told my agent I wanted to walk in the Victoria’s Secret show with my natural hair. I was nervous, but I had to do it. When they said ‘yes’ I didn’t expect it, but I was so happy!”

It marks the first time that a natural Afro has appeared on the lingerie brand’s runway, but that doesn’t necessarily come as a surprise. After all, this year Victoria’s Secret insists that models look natural. Naturally perfect, that is.

Victoria’s Secret Concludes Afros Are Now Cool