Where Do Hoverboards Go When They Die?

Photo: Surrey County Council News/Flickr

Now that the hoverboard bubble has exploded and set fire to some stuff, and Amazon has peed on the hover-ashes by refusing to sell them, it’s safe to the whole hoverboard thing is dead. Gone. RIP.

The thing is, all those hoverboards have to go somewhere when they expire from this mortal coil. Those who abandon their once-cool, now-lame mode of transport might like to think hoverboards go to a special heaven where they are used in porn and/or “Sorry” choreography for the rest of time. But here is the stark reality: They wind up in a hoverboard graveyard in the U.K. that looks like the opening scene from Wall-E:

Photo: Surrey County Council News/Flickr

A fitting end for the worst trend of 2015.

Photo: Surrey County Council News/Flickr
Where Do Hoverboards Go When They Die?