
First Lady Michelle Obama Is a Kooky Dog Mom, Just Like You

Michelle Obama.
Michelle Obama. Photo: Getty Images

The Obamas have been subjected to countless press conferences during their tenure, but leave it to a child to ask the real hard-hitting questions that the American people truly care about.

White House employees’ children took part in “Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day” on Wednesday, which included a Q&A session with First Lady Michelle Obama.

One kid — who was definitely not me dressed as a second-grader — asked Obama about her two favorite things to do with her Portuguese water dogs, Bo and Sunny.

“Just squeeze them,” she said. “I let my dogs do a lot. They can sit on my lap, they sit on my chair, they cuddle with me. I like to lay on the floor with them and blow in their face,” she continued. “I like to make them run and chase each other. But they’re so cute, I just love to just cuddle them and massage them. I give them massages, I do.”

There you have it, kooky dog moms of America: Michelle Obama is firmly among our ranks.

First Lady Michelle Obama Is a Kooky Dog Mom Too