the wokest bae

Matt McGorry Will Out-Feminist You If It Kills Him

Photo: Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

In case you haven’t heard yet, Matt McGorry considers himself a feminist (never mind, of course you’ve heard that, he’s a male feminist). He’s defended Beyoncé in a Twitter fight with Piers Morgan and even tried to join the #FreetheNipple movement. McGorry is on a one-man mission to win the woke Olympics, and he is not letting up.

In a recent interview with Cosmopolitan, McGorry was asked about men who proclaim themselves feminists in their Tinder bios and how women can tell if they’re just doing it to get laid. McGorry responded:

I haven’t quite tested this in theory, but I think it’s a pretty good theory: look at how intersectional their feminism is. So if you’re going on this date, ask about his issues. If all he’s talking about is women, and he’s not talking about trans people or has no knowledge or interest in that or the spectrum of gender, that’s telling. If he has no understanding of race or class issues or ableism that’s a probably pretty good sign that his feminism is made to get laid. If your feminism stops at women — and when we say women, we say default “white women” — and the man has no interest in trying to parse apart what it might mean to be a woman of color versus a white woman or a trans woman or a trans woman of color, I’d say that’s a pretty big red flag. It is probably about getting praise.

Matt … thank you.

Matt McGorry Will Out-Feminist You