inside amy schumer

Amy Schumer, Julianne Moore, Jennifer Hudson, and Other Women Give the Middle Finger to Hollywood’s Woman Problem

<i>Inside Amy Schumer</i>'s latest Hollywood roast.
Inside Amy Schumer’s latest Hollywood roast.

On last night’s episode of Inside Amy Schumer, the comedienne recruited Julianne Moore, Jennifer Hudson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Laura Linney to roast one trope you’ll recognize from many Hollywood films: the hysterical wife, alone at home, waiting for her husband to call.

Steve Buscemi opens the parody, presenting the Academy Award nominees for Best Actress. “Without the five beautiful, talented women we’re honoring now, their movies would only have five names on the poster, instead of six,” he says, rolling clips from each movie.

Schumer plays a coal-miner’s wife; Moore is married to a time traveler; Linney is partnered with a sniper; and Gyllenhaal holds baby twins. Amy wins the Best Actress award and calls in for her acceptance speech, skewering the lack of diversified roles for Hollywood women:

Oh my god, I’m so happy first of all I’d like to thank my hair team …but more than anything I really want to thank the writers, because you’re the ones that come up with all these dynamic roles for women. Without you we wouldn’t be able to answer the phone. Thank you, heroes.

So many great roles out there for women — until their Last F*ckable Day, of course.

Amy Schumer Skewers Hollywood’s Woman Problem