game of crop tops

On Game of Thrones, Crop Tops Are the Ultimate Sign of Freedom

Photo: Courtesy of HBO

Ever since Daenerys emancipated the cities of Slaver’s Bay, her trusty translator Missandei has celebrated her freedom like any self-respecting woman would: procuring a high-level government job, making out with a hot soldier, and wearing tops of whatever damn length she pleases.

While Khaleesi may be the queen of going-out tops, nobody in the Seven Kingdoms rocks a crop top like Missandei. She’s the Taylor Swift of Essos, albeit with more belly button, expertly pairing high-waisted skirts with some of the most elaborate little V-neck bra tops I’ve ever seen.

Photo: Courtesy of HBO
Photo: Courtesy of HBO
Photo: Courtesy of HBO
Photo: HBO

Where does she buy these incredible tops? Are they bespoke, or is there just a really good Forever 21 in Meereen? Are all the cool teens of Essos dressing like this, or is Missandei casually a major style influencer in addition to a leading voice in Meereneese politics? And exactly how many crop tops does Missandei have? We count four– the shiny black one, the one with the studs, the blue brocade one, and a leather (?) one from the finale – which she has been re-wearing, but is there more variety in her future? Perhaps some fringe? Maybe even a nice suede?

Freedom has never looked better!

Updated for the season finale. 

On Game of Thrones, Freedom Means Crop Tops