samantha bee '16

Samantha Bee Serves Donald Trump a Cinco de Mayo Burn

Samantha Bee
Samantha Bee Photo: Samantha Bee/Facebook

On Thursday, otherwise known as Cinco de Mayo, Donald Trump took to social media to post a photo of himself eating a taco bowl. Though that would’ve been absurd in and of itself, he took it a step further (but of course), captioning it “Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!”

Samantha Bee, never one to let the opportunity for a great joke pass her by, posted her own taco-bowl photo on Facebook, captioned, “The best taco bowls are made by hardworking immigrants who don’t like being called rapists by a rich prick. I love inauthentic Mexican food!”

To add insult to injury, her taco bowl looked much, much better.

Samantha Bee Burns Donald Trump on Cinco de Mayo