remember lunchables?

Megan Fox Offered to Get Lunchables for Will Arnett’s Much Younger Girlfriends

Non-turtles Megan Fox and Will Arnett
Non-turtles Megan Fox and Will Arnett Photo: Andreas Rentz/Getty Images

Megan Fox, who acted alongside Will Arnett in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (neither play turtles), appeared on Conan on Thursday night to tell a story about how she roasted Arnett hard after he kept bringing younger and younger girlfriends on set.

“He was sort of dating a lot and every other week there was a new girlfriend and he would bring them to set,” Fox said. “They were progressively getting younger and younger as the weeks went on, and it got to the point where I was like, ‘Buddy, I’m worried. Should I talk to craft service and make sure they have Lunchables for your girlfriend?’”

In related news, is anyone else craving Lunchables now?

In Which Megan Fox Brutally Owns Will Arnett