
Madame Clairevoyant: Horoscopes for the Week of September 26

Illustration: Jen May

On Tuesday, Mars enters Capricorn. This can feel like a body full of energy, a mind full of visions, a constant pull to action. How will you sustain such forward motion, such love for the world? Will you let it wear you out? Will you let it make your dreams heave? Will you let it breathe sweet new life into the future that’s nearly within reach?

Aries: Sometimes the really important project is to practice taking up more space, to practice stretching your arms out, holding your head high, letting your voice boom out across the streets. Sometimes the real work is to sit a little stiller, listen a little closer, make room for the people around you to move and grow and speak. Both can be necessary, and either way, this week is about paying close attention to the space you occupy in the world: How much do you take? How much do you need?

Taurus: There is plenty of goodness in the world, but there’s more than that, too. You don’t need to respond to every dark day with a song in your heart, and you don’t need to sparkle in the depths of every sorrow. Some days shine silver and some days glow green, and some days don’t reflect any light at all. You’re full of all these different types of power. Don’t let anyone else tell you how to use it. Don’t let anyone else tell you how to protect your soul.

Gemini: Sometimes, it’s painful to feel your own desire, your own need, your own hunger. Enough longing can feel like a crack in your foundation, like a storm cloud ready to burst open. This week, try to ride out these waves of feeling and see where they carry you. Sometimes they can bring you home again. Sometimes they can bring you back to yourself. Sometimes they bring you nowhere you’ve ever been before.

Cancer: Where does your head go, when you’re as tired as this? Imagine yourself swimming in a cold clean lake; imagine yourself sitting in a green forest; imagine yourself sleepy and warm under clean sheets. Every day doesn’t have to be a brave step forward. There are days for floating, for waiting, for rebuilding. There are days for listening to the songs that give you quiet chills and not the ones that make you sing. You can live here for now, if you need to.

Leo: It’s a strange and fragile feeling, to let this much tenderness into your own life. We talk about love like it’s a soft and silly thing, but it requires so much courage. There are weeks for suiting up for battle, but there’s redemption, too, in letting your heart crack wide open. There are so many different ways to need the people around you, and so many ways to be needed, and this can make you brave. It can make you human. It can make you wild.

Virgo: Look out over your city from a rooftop, from a hilltop, from a window far above the ground. There’s so much air and life, but even in wide spaces, even in green spaces, it can be hard just to live. And you’ve been doing the hard work of building a good life. You’re wise and you’re strong; you know how to survive. This week, now, is for taking this hard-won knowledge and using it. You could run away to the ocean; you could fight your way to freedom; you could change your whole world.

Libra: Think about how you landed in this strange life, about all the bright and boring days that brought you here. You’ve traveled so far and brought worlds into being, and now it’s time to begin planting seeds again. You can’t always know how long your ideas will germinate underground; you can’t always know how long it will take for your plans to burst into color. This is a week to save for later what you don’t know how to use yet. This is a week to care for your future.

Scorpio: It’s so easy to feel like you’re moving through the world solitary and invisible, but this isn’t always true. Your loneliness is real, but it’s not the only thing. It’s not the only window worth looking through, or the only force that holds you to the earth. There are people all around you. What do you need from them, and how can you ask for it? What can you give?

Sagittarius: This week, you might feel like your whole self is coming apart, breaking into pieces and patterns strange and unknown. When you walk outside on a sparkling rainy night, when you stay up late watching lamplight pinging off the tiles in your kitchen, it might start to feel like your edges have lost their definition, but they haven’t. This is just one way that movement announces itself. This is a marker of growth. Don’t be afraid to keep moving. You won’t lose yourself.

Capricorn: This week, think of the morning sun drying the dew on the grass, burning away the night’s fog and haze. Open your curtains and look out into the place where you live. This week, the world can bring you clear vision and weird new insights. It can bring you a map to navigate your own heart. It can bring you just the words you’ve been seeking. Whatever knowledge the world offers you, don’t let it curdle or wither inside you. This is knowledge to be spoken, to be shared, to be used.

Aquarius: This is a week for listening to thunder, or turning up your music in the car, or sitting next to a river that flows fast and true. This is a week for shaking every bad helpless feeling right out of your body. You need to work to be your fullest self, but you don’t have to be more than that. No more excuses: Your voice is enough, so use it. Your heart is enough; let it beat.

Pisces: Sometimes the life you need requires loneliness, and sometimes that loneliness requires courage both broad and deep. It’s so hard to live in a world that refuses to know you. This is a week for tapping into your bright hot core of bravery — it isn’t easy to be true to yourself, or the ones you love, or the world you want to build. Trust the future you see in your dreams, and trust that you know the way ahead.

Madame Clairevoyant: Horoscopes for the Week of Sept. 26