420 blaze it

Moms Caught Smoking Weed in a School Zone Were Just Celebrating Back to School, Can They Live?

Photo: Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Even if you’re an adult, it’s difficult to not get caught up in the spirit of back-to-school time. Specifically, if you’re a parent, you’re likely thrilled that you won’t have your children around for all hours of the day — like this Canadian mom who decided to celebrate the occasion by getting stoned in a school zone.

As CTV News reports, Police Sergeant John Price pulled over a Vancouver Island woman for speeding in a school zone on Tuesday morning:

“As soon as she rolled down the window it was pretty evident that the people in that car, or the driver herself, had been smoking a joint prior to being stopped,” he said.

“She did admit to smoking a joint and tried to excuse it away by saying her and some of the other moms this morning had a celebratory joint, celebrating that the kids were back in school.”

Price says the woman wasn’t impaired enough to be charged with anything, but that’s likely because she and the other weed moms were keeping it light as they sped off to hit their Chardonnay stash.

Moms Caught Smoking Celebratory Joint in School Zone