Kellyanne Conway Was Honestly Too Busy House Hunting to Appear on TV

Kellyanne Conway. Photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images

This week, numerous news outlets reported that the White House banned Kellyanne Conway from making television appearances after the counselor to the president apparently went off message a few too many times. But in a new interview with Fox News, Conway explained that, no, she hasn’t been sidelined — she’s just been way too busy house hunting to even go on TV.

“I don’t think I have to explain myself if I’m not going on TV if I’m out with four kids for three days looking at houses and schools,” Conway told Fox News’ Sean Hannity, per Deadline.

The interview marked her first television appearance in more than a week — a timeline that’s fairly conspicuous for President Donald Trump’s most visible aide. However, Conway told Hannity that only “about [5 percent] of what I’m being asked to do in this White House counselor role is TV” nowadays. She added that Trump is his “own best messenger” anyway.

We eagerly await the Conway family’s episode of House Hunters.

Kellyanne Conway Was Too Busy House Hunting to Appear on TV