Paul Ryan Gets Jeered by Middle Schoolers on Their Home Turf: Instagram

Paul Ryan. Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Last week, a group of middle schoolers from New Jersey snubbed Paul Ryan by refusing a photo op with the speaker. (About half of the students on the trip opted to pose for the photo, according to reports from the school.) For Ryan, having a whole bunch of eighth-graders refusing to be photographed beside him — “I didn’t want to be in [the picture] because he believes in most of what Trump believes in,” one student said — should have been snub enough. But in Speaker Ryan’s Instagram comments, the owning continues. Ryan posted a photo of himself with the students who had elected to pose with him, captioned, “Got that #FridayFeeling 👊.” Which, naturally, opened Ryan up to a whole new round of getting mocked — by both middle schoolers and grown adults.

Kids are good.

Paul Ryan Dragged by Middle Schoolers on Instagram