hairy situations

This NFL Player Wants to Make a Heartwarming Cartoon Film About Black Hair

Photo: Courtesy of Matthew A. Cherry/Hair Love

You think you’re so tough, huh? Did you make it through those Pantene videos of NFL players trying to style their tiny daughters’ hair without a single tear? Good luck with this one. NFL wide receiver turned filmmaker (how’s that for a career trajectory) Matthew A. Cherry created a Kickstarter to fund Hair Love, his animated short film about black hair and fatherhood, inspired by similar viral videos.

“[It] tells the story of a young African-American father who has never done his daughter’s hair before and is trying to do it for the first time. Hilarity ensues. We’re trying to promote hair positivity and inspire young kids to take pride in their natural hair, and show black fathers in their kids’ lives,” says Cherry in a video explaining the project. The original fundraising goal was $75,000 but almost $300,000 has been raised. Starring characters include Zuri and Stephen as the daughter-father pair, and there’s even a pet cat named Rocky. It’s all straight-up adorable and you can find more details here.

This NFL Player Is Making a Cartoon Film About Black Hair