19th amendment

Jared Kushner Reportedly Registered to Vote As a Woman

Jared Kushner. Photo: Pool/Getty Images

White House senior adviser Mr. Jared Kushner is notoriously bad at properly filling out forms, so it should come as no surprise that he’s reportedly registered to vote in New York State as a female.

As Wired’s Ashley Feinberg reports, records held by the New York State Board of Elections list the gender of Jared Corey Kushner — son-in-law of President Donald Trump — as “female.” Given that he reportedly needed several attempts to properly fill out a security clearance form, it would make sense that ticking off the correct gender would prove difficult for the Kush.

So does Kushner’s reportedly inaccurate registration actually constitute voter fraud? Probably not, Loyola Law School professor Justin Levitt told Wired. “There has to be an intent to give the false information. If he (for some reason) knowingly registered as a woman — for what purpose, I could not guess — that might be described as voter fraud, though it would have negligible effect on the determination of his eligibility, so wouldn’t amount to much anyway.”

But of course, Kushner’s not the only member of the Trump team to have difficulty figuring out this whole voter registration thing.

Jared Kushner Reportedly Registered to Vote As a Woman