
Putin Says Trump Is Not His ‘Bride’

Putin and Trump during July’s G20 Summit in Hamburg. Photo: Getty Images

Donald Trump’s overly chummy relationship with Russian president Vladimir Putin has long been a cause of domestic concern, but Putin is here to assure us that he and Trump are definitely not “bride” and “groom.”

Putin’s statements came during a Tuesday press conference in China when he was asked about the United States’ recent shuttering of three Russian diplomatic outposts. After he was asked if he was disappointed in Trump for the move, Putin called the question “naïve,” per the Associated Press.

He continued, saying that Trump is “not my bride, and I’m not his groom.” Putin also added that the closures were “done in such a rude way.”

I don’t know, maybe it all sounds better in the original Russian?

Putin Says Trump Is Not His ‘Bride’