
Elizabeth Warren Calls Out Trump for Slut-Shaming

Elizabeth Warren. Photo: Eric Thayer/Bloomberg via Getty Images

In a particularly crass tweet on Monday morning, President Trump derided New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand, saying that she would come to his office “‘begging’ for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them.)” A few hours later, Senator Elizabeth Warren came to Gillibrand’s defense, accusing Trump of bullying, intimidation, and slut-shaming.

Warren’s use of the term “slut-shame” isn’t quite accurate, because it implies Gillibrand did do the kind of “begging” Trump claimed, and is being shamed for it — more accurate terms for what the president did might be “flagrantly spouted misogynistic nonsense,” or “rage-tweeted like a petulant teen.”

Gillibrand has called for Trump to step down due to the allegations of sexual misconduct against him. Trump, who bragged on tape about grabbing women “by the pussy,” has denied the allegations.

Elizabeth Warren Calls Out Trump for Slut-Shaming