
Sean Spicer Regrets Embarrassing Himself, His Family

Sean Spicer. Photo: TIBRINA HOBSON/AFP/Getty Images

Regrets, Sean Spicer’s had a few … as he should. During his time as White House press secretary, he routinely defended Donald Trump’s policies and tweets, chewed and swallowed a pack of gum every morning, and maintained a generally humiliating natural resting state.

During a Monday interview with MSNBC’s Craig Melvin, he was made to sit through a montage of his “greatest hits.” Melvin then asked him if he regretted taking the job in the first place.

Spicer answered with a definitive “no,” but then continued on with a little on-air soul searching. “Did I make mistakes? Thank you for taking me down memory lane — absolutely,” he said. “Do I hope I grow as a person, as a friend, as a stranger, to do better? Absolutely.” (Yes, Sean Spicer hopes to grow as a stranger — always had a way with words, that one.)

When asked again for a more definitive answer, Spicer admitted, “I regret things that I did that brought embarrassment to myself, my family.” He has previously admitted to regretting yelling at reporters about the inauguration crowd size, but this was the first time he reflected on the great shame he has brought up on his loved ones.

Sean Spicer Regrets Embarrassing Himself, His Family