state of the uniom

The Best Facial Expressions at the State of the Union

The rapt audience during the State of the Union.

Here in America, when we want to know what’s happening in the capital, we’ll look to polls, scour Twitter, and call in a clown car of pundits.

But perhaps the best way to know how our elected officials really feel about the future of this country is to stare into their eyes as they’re forced to sit through President Trump’s first State of the Union. Is there a cunning resolve behind their golf clap? (Mike Pence.) A deep faith in who is actually in charge? (Paul Ryan.) Or seething anger? (Nancy Pelosi.)

In fact, maybe the best indicator of the actual state of the union can be viewed in the faces of our congresspeople.

See if you can figure anything out:

The Best Facial Expressions at the State of the Union