Kim Cattrall Does Not Want ‘Hypocrite’ Sarah Jessica Parker’s Condolences at This Time

Cattrall. Photo: Jeff Spicer/Getty Images

Sadly, the cast’s very public disagreement this fall about a third Sex and the City movie should have put to rest any fantasies you might have had about Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker sipping cocktails and indulging in retail therapy in NYC IRL. On Saturday, Cattrall posted an Instagram message clarifying the level of animosity she feels toward her former castmate. “I don’t need your love or support at this tragic time @sarahjessicaparker,” she wrote. In the caption, Cattrall went on to call the former SATC star a “hypocrite” and “cruel.” Cattrall declared, “Let me make this VERY clear. (If I haven’t already) You are not my family. You are not my friend. So I’m writing to tell you one last time to stop exploiting our tragedy in order to restore your ‘nice girl’ persona.” She also posted a link to a New York Post article from October entitled “Inside the mean-girls culture that destroyed Sex and the City,” which detailed the antipathy between the two actresses on-set and since the show’s conclusion in 2004.

The “tragic time” Cattrall is referring to would appear to be the recent death of her brother Chris, whose demise Parker discussed while at a Paley Center screening with the cast of Divorce on Thursday. “If somebody in your life, whether you’re in touch with them or not, [is] suffering for any reason, it’s involuntary that you want to convey condolences or sadness or just let someone know you’re thinking about them,” she said, according to Entertainment Tonight. SJP also told Extra, “I can’t begin to know how her family is managing such a loss. We all send her our love and condolences and grant her the privacy that she’s asked for.”

Kim Cattrall Calls Out ‘Hypocrite’ Sarah Jessica Parker