
Madame Clairevoyant: Horoscopes for the Week of February 5

Photo-Illustration: The Push Pose

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On Saturday, Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces. You might feel your emotions broaden without reason; you might feel their edges blur. Maybe a new compassion will suddenly sprung up in your heart. Maybe you’ll feel a tenderness that wasn’t there before, as sweet as the morning, as quiet as snow.



If you pay attention this week, you’ll see small reminders that the world could have become different. You might notice moments when a road could have turned, when a sadness could have lifted, when a violence could have been made right. It hurts sometimes to think of the lush green worlds that never came into being, but don’t let that be your focus. This is a week for reminding yourself of the doors that are still open.




Sometimes it’s overwhelming to know how many choices are still your own to make, but you don’t need to be told what to do, and you don’t even need a map. There’s a compass needle swinging in your dreams. Even if you don’t know your destination yet, you know who you are, and you know which way is up. This is a week for trusting your instincts, your senses, your desires.



It can feel strange and difficult, trying to balance the wild spontaneity in your thoughts with the complete, quiet tenderness in your heart. How can one person be so focused on the world outside, and so self-contained at the same time? How can one person carry so much lavish wilderness and so much gentle love? This week, don’t worry so much about balancing and deciphering each part of yourself. What looks like a contradiction is often just a connection you haven’t figured out yet.



On days when the air is coldest, on days when you’re lonely and the sunlight is weak, you might hear an easier life calling out to you. Softness can seem so tempting in a world that makes you work this hard. And sometimes, it’s true that you don’t need to make things so hard on yourself. But sometimes, ease isn’t the thing that will save you. Some problems ask for softness, but some require your fire. This is a week for working to know the difference.



These are days for gazing out a window into a snowy field, days for watching a clock without knowing what you’re waiting for. It’s strange and painful to hold desires not knowable even to yourself, and painful to know that other people don’t have your answers, either. Sometimes, mysteries just need time.



This week, when just living seems weird or impossible, you might look to other people who have survived, and other people who have built the kind of worlds you’re seeking. Your deep, glowing independence doesn’t mean you have to do everything on your own. You just need to try, with and alongside other people, to find a space to live, and to let other people live, too.



You have desires that live in language and desires that live in your skin and it’s not always easy finding the balance between the two. It’s not easy to want anything at all, let alone to want in such wild and blooming and contradictory ways. This week, just try to notice which desires sustain you, and which seem to shrink your power to nothing.



Most of the time you can feel the courage and the fire inside yourself, then sometimes, suddenly, a fear rises up that makes it difficult even to move. Your own insides are so tender, and the whole planet is so vulnerable and alive, and it’s hard to know how to live through this. This week is for remembering ways to keep going.



Maybe you’ve entered some kind of new phase lately, or maybe you’re still just dreaming of it. Maybe you’re finally getting something you’ve wanted for a long time, or maybe you’re finally leaving a place you’re grown too powerful for. This is a week for developing new strategies of living, a week for letting go of what no longer serves you. Growth isn’t always easy, even for you, but there’s a light in the sky, and there’s a path forward that you’re brave enough to take.



Not every good action will come naturally to you, and not everything that comes naturally is good, but still you have your own gifts, and it’s okay to learn to use them. You don’t have to be suspicious of everything that tastes sweet. You don’t have to strive your whole life to obey someone else’s idea of what it means to live. You can trust your own body instead.



You might experience some kind of urgency this week, an urgency in the world outside or an urgency in your skin, but that doesn’t mean you have to let yourself be rushed. Questions can’t all be handled quickly, and desires can take strange, long paths. Try to resist being pulled onto somebody else’s imagined timeline.



This week, you might feel your view of the world stretch and expand. There’s so much to hold in your mind — so much history, so many faces, so many colors in the sky. And the broader the world seems, the smaller your own self can feel before it. This can feel like a limitation, but it’s not. You don’t have to contain the whole world inside your head, you just have to rise to meet it. Let your thoughts be fragmented and intimate and strange.

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Madame Clairevoyant: Horoscopes for the Week of February 5