
Madame Clairevoyant: Horoscopes for the Week of July 30

Iman, a Leo. Photo-Illustration: Jenny Sharaf/Photo: Michael Ochs Archives

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After last week’s lunar eclipse in Aquarius, the moon will wane this week through Pisces, Aries, and Taurus. Five planets — Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto — are still retrograde, too. Feelings from the past might continue to stir and resurface, but they won’t last forever. The energy around you might feel strange and unsettled, but you can ride this out. You can trust, underneath the chaos, that something good is quietly growing.



Moving slowly doesn’t always have to be a frustrating experience, nor does it necessarily mean that you’re ineffectual or lazy. This is a week for experiencing the exhilarating pleasure that comes from not letting yourself be rushed. Allow your body fill with the slow sweetness of a summer afternoon, or the grandeur of a long, pink sunset. This doesn’t mean you’re letting up; it doesn’t mean you’re going soft. It just means that you’re powerful enough that you don’t need to hurry. It means no one else can set your pace but you.



Maybe you’ve been living more quietly than usual, away from the spotlight. Maybe you’ve just been steadily doing the work, just outside the warm glow of the world’s bright attention. Now, it might be time to let the world see what you’ve been working on. You can flex your muscles, you can raise your voice, you can show everyone how wild and mighty you’ve become. There’s a quiet satisfaction in proving wrong the people who doubted you, and this is a satisfaction you can keep.



It’s okay if you feel a little scattered this week. It’s okay if you find yourself looking over your shoulder, or out into the distance. To stay healthy, to stay sharp, your attention needs to wander sometimes; focused intensity isn’t the only way to get anywhere in this world. Sometimes your role is to build a fire, and sometimes it’s to gather supplies. Sometimes your role is to lead, and sometimes your role is to watch and wait. If you feel your energies changing this week, let them change.



Your ideas will roar and hum and sing to you this week — so loud and so clear that you might imagine other people can hear them too. If you assume everyone else can track the way your sharp mind moves, you might end up disappointed: Your inner world can be hard to reach, private and secret and strange. If you want your thoughts to be heard, you must speak them out loud. Remind yourself to leave a map for the people you love, or to mark the trail, or to leave a window open.



Sometimes, you might feel a weird pressure to gather up everything in the world and carry it with you — like every beautiful stone should stay in your pocket, like every beautiful song should stay in your head, like everyone you’ve met should stay in your life forever. But it’s not your job to keep carrying it all. You don’t have to synthesize everything you’ve ever seen into one perfect, golden whole. You don’t have to do the job of the universe. The world doesn’t need you to be everything — it just needs you to be you, complicated and good.



There’s a wild strength in endeavoring to know the world in close and intimate detail. You can feel the soil and the stones under your feet, and you can see the veins on the leaves, and you can recognize the smell of the street you live on. You can see every small change as it happens, but it’s harder to see how the changes fit together. It’s harder to see how far you’ve actually traveled to get here. This week, if you take just one step backward, outward, what can you see that you couldn’t before?



If something in your life feels even a little bit off, the temptation can be to overcorrect, to swing big and wild until the balance has been restored. And all the songs in the air — the birds, the wind, the car horns — can sound like they’re encouraging you to make the big, wild change. It’s possible that they’ll end up being right, but for now, it’s better to start with small adjustments. Maybe all you need is a change in the color of the walls. Maybe all you need is a change in key.



When you’re facing a problem that’s much larger than you, it’s easy to feel helpless and trapped inside it. Your energy is always focused and powerful, but your usual strategies might not work against a question that keeps shifting, keeps moving, keeps changing. This can be a week for trying a different approach. Try watching the way other people navigate the world. Some plants grow tall, and some spread sideways. Some grow fast and are slower, but they are no less alive. There are other kinds of energy available to you, too.



Working to maintain what you already have can sound so boring, so dull, so lacking in the kind of energy and motion you love best. But this might be the sort of work that brings you the greatest joy this week — a slow joy, like a leaf unfurling, perfect and green. Even you don’t get to escape the daily work of living, and what a gift that is. This is the work that can reconnect you to your bones, to your roots, to your real human life.



As you look at your life in all its weird and silvery tangle, you might find yourself feeling incomplete — as though there is some long-lost puzzle piece that will complete you, if you could just find it. But try to imagine, try to really believe, that you’re already whole. For all the change you’ve been through, nothing has been irrevocably lost. You have what you need already, and it’s only a matter of rearranging the elements, of shifting the pieces around, of letting yourself change the way you move, and the way you see.



This week, you might find the freedom you need by moving away from grand narratives, away from the stories that try to envision your whole life in a single curving line. You aren’t a completed product, and you don’t have to pretend to be one. Your individual moments and days don’t have to make sense yet. They don’t have to add up to anything greater. This is a week for giving your life the space to keep unfolding. It’s a week for letting the unknown future draw you toward it.



This is a week for thinking about how open you’re willing to be in this world. How will you let yourself be changed, how will you let yourself be moved, and what ideas will you let take root inside you? As much as you know yourself already, you keep changing and letting the world change you. The question of boundaries is never really settled, and this week, it’s okay if you need to keep renegotiating them with yourself: How much movement can you bear? How much movement do you need?

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Madame Clairevoyant: Horoscopes for the Week of July 30